Quote PC Plum="PC Plum"You are right of course but we know that the old regime is unlikely to have the relevant data to hand .... so I guess if the individual is anywhere near bothered that they haven't been contacted they should contact CUSTOMER SERVICES and tell them how it is .... or alternatively they can get their mates to come on here and bleat on about it.'"
So I was right. You do think it is the responsibility of the CUSTOMER to contact the RETAILER to find out what is on offer, when it is on offer and where it is on offer?
London Broncos Rugby League aren't selling I-phones! There's hardly going to be a queue around the corner of "overnighters" keen to be the first to get their hands on a Broncos 2014 ticket stub, so marketing to EXISTING CUSTOMERS would be a start.
We have 6,112 friends on facebook (

really...still make me chuckle) yet the pronouncements there have been greeted with comments from only an average of about 35 people.....a dozen of which who are regulars on here. This is not marketing and should not be applauded as "progress"
In 2008, the club generated approximately 150k in Season ticket revenue. The records of where this money came from will be available somewhere as it is LAW that this information must be kept for 6 years. I'd suggest that contacting this group of 1,000 would be a good way to start.
As for this years revenue being given to the Hive, along with the Bribe......sorry, Marketing Budget from the RFL, if people don't come to games, then AK is hardly going to want to step into Mr Hughes shoes next year.
This is the biggest flaw in the new arrangement.....................there are plenty of REWARDS available to AK and the Hive but there are no CONSEQUENCES for them should they fail. Therefore, in my humble opinion, the RFL should not be giving him anything in the way of a budget, because like the "marketing" at the club before, it really doesn't matter if it works or not....there are no CONSEQUENCES!
I still find it ironic PC Plum that you felt the need to inform the Bradford fans that "everyone on here" has me on ignore because of my inane ramblings, yet you come out with your gem about it being the responsibility of the Customer to get in touch with the club