Quote Ronniequin="Ronniequin"On behalf of all right minded fans,'"
Listen up at the back....they'e elected a spokesperson!
Quote Ronniequin="Ronniequin"I'm sick and tired of this site being dominated by bitter twisted resentful individuals whose sole agenda is to draw attention to themselves and their views. ,'"
Internet forums are designed so people can debate issues that relate to the lead topic of that forum. In this case, the London Broncos Rugby League team and all things regarding it, back and front office as well as playing staff, games and rumours are to be accommodated.
Quote Ronniequin="Ronniequin"They are entitled to their opinion you might say, but as they are on here posting 10+ times a day droning on about the same old poop, im getting mighty fed up of it. ,'"
So which is it? Are they are entitled to their opinions or not? Just because you're fed up and disagree, that's not a reason to ban anyone.
Quote Ronniequin="Ronniequin"Indeed one poster is so constantly abusive to David Hughes I believe it's bordering on libel.,'"
Hmmm. Not sure if referring to the continued mis management of the club as well as the alienation of other clubs back office staff and owners is libelous unless it's not true. It might be described as scurrilous...but not libelous, but good on you for waving a "legal" flag in front of posts you don't agree with.
Quote Ronniequin="Ronniequin"If no action is taken decent fans won't bother coming on here again and these saddos will have no one left to wind up.,'"
As has been pointed out before by posters with many years on here, some as mods, traffic remains the same regardless.......and you threatening to leave does nothing other than illicit the usual response...DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE 'ARRIS ON THE WAY OUT!
Quote Ronniequin="Ronniequin"Kindly take action.'"
What action? Seriously? For over a decade I've told fans and the club what was going to happen and I'll continue, no matter how much in denial you are...it's not the forum owners who should have taken action but the club and the so called "fans" like you......but nope, carry on cheerleading all the way to Championship 1.....I'd bet you and your ilk would put a positive spin on relegation next year by saying you'd look forward to the skolars derby