We've settled on a new name & logo for our Ultras/Tifo group/Regiment or whatever you want to call the scene that some people are trying to get going at Wigan.
The logo includes a lion which is a reference to our crest and the 3 stars for obvious reasons. Big thanks to Pemps for coming up with the designs by the way. Which one do you prefer? For the name & design of the logo we wanted something original and relevant to Wigan (the previous design drawing a little too much inspiration from Liverpool & Celtic!)
The Brigantes were the first tribe to settle in Wigan, pretty much like how we were the first club to settle in the town (sorry Conroy, couldn't resist mate!). I believe the word is Latin for Brigate or to give it its english meaning, brigade or army. Whilst their are lots of groups around who use Brigate or Brigade we haven't come across any who use Brigantes. Seeing as Wigan fans love a bit of history we thought we couldn't get anything more historical from a Wigan perspective than that.
We'll be buying a big terrace banner that incorporates the new name & logo.
Thinks are progressing now. The new smaller 'big' flags went down well on Friday night and we have more & more people wanting to get involved which is great. We just have to keep plugging away and get to a point where we are able to put on some decent displays at home & away.
Forza Brigantes