Given all the doom and gloom and scapegoating filling up this board at the moment (

), I thought I'd see if we could do something positive and start a tribute thread to one of Wigan's great servants and one of the SL era's great players, George Carmont.
What a great signing he has been for the club, what a model professional. We'd all love him to play on for one more year but I think everyone respects his decision. He will be sadly missed but will leave us with many great memories.
For me the highlight (to date) was his superb performance in the 2011 WCC, he was outstanding that day. It was almost incredible to see a man at the wrong end of his career playing his best rugby in that game and for the whole of the 2011 season, but that's George for you, like a fine burgundy he has just got better and better with age. The man that arrived as a solid but uninspiring signing had become a world class player, one of the very best in SL.
Some people feared that this year might be a bridge too far but he has played really well again and deserved his latest dream team selection.
I say the highlight to date was the WCC game because I think George has enough left in the tank for a couple more world class performances. He has played very well indeed in recent weeks and it's worth watching the Catalans game again to see how sharp he looks, this is a man running into superb form at exactly the right time. Yet again George Carmont is delivering for Wigan.
A fairytale end to his career at OT would be no more than he deserves (and if we get there I wouldn't be surprised to see him win the Harry Sunderland trophy) but whatever happens over the next couple of weeks we should all salute the Wigan legend that is George Carmont, thank him for his efforts and professionalism and wish him all the best for the future.
Thank you and good luck George.