The Cycle lane was put there about 6 weeks ago - as far as I'm aware it was some part of a plan , [i(Tour De France again !)[/i that joins with a new cycle path that goes past Harrison and Clough and under the bridge over the 'Royd ' and up out by the Dye Works at the bottom of Beechcliffe.The ridiculously OTT signposts appeared overnight a couple of weeks ago.
There was a road restriction notice appeared on a lamp post outside the bowling club with where to make comments prior to the lanes being painted but it seemed to be only there for a couple of days at the most ([iyou tend to notice these things when you walk the same route to work for the last 10 years

),[/i which makes you wonder if it was pushed through by the back door. There has been a similar planning notice for a new Kitchen at the bowling club tied to adjacent lamppost for months, evidence that might back up that theory.
At the moment the restrictions don't cover Sundays or any time after 7pm, which shouldn't cause that much hassle on match days. but it's going to cause problems for functions and events held at CP ( and ultimately affect the revenue they generate) during the day. The effect on the Bowling Club next door though is a disgrace , with many of their elderly members who play on an weekday afternoon left with the nearest parking to the club approx a quarter of a mile away
Obviously for those who cycle like Obeone its a good thing , though on my walk to work and back i counted in one week only in my eight walks from the Bradford Road junction to Cougar Park only ONE cyclist in that week using the lane .

Some compromise need to be reached because it seems in the Councils eagerness to promote the virtues of taking part in physical activity through one sport they are making two other sports suffer ...