=redWOW! [/size
Was that really my club?
I have been priviledged to be at the most professional presentation that I have been to, and it was put on by Wakefield Trinity

or, to be more precise, by the Wildcats Community Trust.
For reasons I'll not go into here, I missed much of Jayne Macdonalds interview (by Chairman of the Trust David Oxley), but I saw enough to know that she is proud of where she comes from and is genuine in her wishes to see the City improve.
And so are the Trust. Led by James Elston, we have an organisation which has so much to be proud of and, more importantly, one which has the ability to deliver fitter, better educated children with improved social skills and social conscience. Also, it is channelled through Wakefield's premier Sporting Organisation - our club.
Whilst there is no substitute for being there, it should be possible to get hold of the DVD that was presented to the audience, of politicians, sponsors and other business and notable people. The DVD is a very slick production - way better than anything the club has previously been able to produce / afford, and gives a great insight into what they are trying to achieve.
All we need now is a win tonight to cap off a great day to be a Wildcat!